Minimalism the New Black?

TNT Moving Systems

Although so much of the “American Dream” has involved acquiring things, the “tidying up” trend has taken over. No longer is a growing mass of possessions — clothes, gadgets, collections — indicative of social standing. Instead minimalism is the new luxury.   WHO IS “MINIMALISM” FOR? Good design isn’t cheap. Whether it’s an iPhone or […]

Cheers to a New Year!

Charlotte Moving Company

Resolutions come with the territory as the calendar changes to January 1st. Most of us make a resolution or vow to break bad habits (and create new ones), but not all of us see them through to the end of the year. It happens! The good news is, we’ve compiled some suggestions so that the […]

How to Plan for Winter in a New Home

Local Movers Charlotte

Is this your first winter in a new home? The holidays are fast approaching and you’re thinking about where to put the tree, how many you can have to dinner at Christmas or New Year’s, and where’s the best place to hide the gifts from the kids, and your spouse. Great! You should think about […]