New Apartment Checklist: What To Buy and How To Stay Organized

Congratulations on the big move! Moving into a new space is a thrilling life event, and although it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what you need for your home, T-N-T Moving Systems is here to ensure you have everything covered.

Moving Checklist from T-N-T Moving Systems

As experienced moving industry veterans, we’ve put together this ultimate checklist to ensure you have all the essential items and handle all the necessary tasks when settling into your new apartment. From purchasing furniture to making schedules, here’s how you can prepare beforehand to enjoy your fresh start:

What To Buy

Whether you’re moving for the first time or the hundredth, it’s essential to know (or at least have an idea of) what you need to make your new apartment feel like home. Consider this list of necessities for a happy life in your new place: 

Furniture and Appliances

Depending on how much stuff you already own, this could range from buying just a few small pieces of furniture to furnishing your entire home. Some basic items that everyone needs include a couch, coffee table, chairs, bed frame & mattress, bookshelf, TV stand (if desired), dining table, and chairs. 

As far as appliances go, buy the bare minimum. Most apartments come with a refrigerator, stove/oven, microwave, and dishwasher already installed. You might want to invest in a clothes washer and clothes dryer (if they’re not included with your rent), as well as smaller appliances like a coffee maker and blender. 

Decorations and Small Accessories

When decorating your space, consider adding items to make the area look and feel more “homey.” Wall art can quickly help any room look more inviting; choose pieces that reflect your personal style and match the color scheme in your home. Other decorations like potted plants and rugs are also great additions!

Small accessories such as throw pillows and curtains can go a long way in making your living space look pulled together. Don’t forget to add some lighting too! Wall sconces or lamps are easy ways to light up dark corners of the room without taking up much space. Some other accessories to consider for your new apartment include:

  • Storage and shelving
  • Kitchenware (e.g., pots, pans, dishes, etc.)
  • Bathroom items (e.g., towels, shower curtains, toiletries, etc.)
  • Linens (e.g., sheets, blankets, throws, etc.)


Cleaning Supplies

Investing in basic cleaning products like an all-purpose cleaner, a window cleaner, sponges/scrubbers, and paper towels will help you keep your apartment spick-and-span with minimal effort. If you have pets or allergies, consider buying anti-allergen cleaners to reduce dust mites and pet dander buildup in carpets and upholstered furniture. And find a high-quality vacuum that removes all the dirt from your carpets and rugs (this is crucial if you have pets!).

Taking time to plan out the items you need before moving in will help ensure you have everything necessary for a cozy life at home right away. Once you have a list put together, you can start looking for deals!

Finding Good Prices

Moving into a new apartment can be expensive, but there are plenty of ways to get great deals when shopping for items for your new home. From utilizing coupons and price comparison sites to taking advantage of seasonal sales, you can find fantastic savings and reserve some of your cash for other things you need. 

Shop Around Online 

Take the time to shop around and compare prices between different retailers to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible. Certain stores often offer discounts or free shipping on specific items, so it pays to do your research before making any big purchases! Many online retailers also provide coupons or rewards programs that can help you save even more money. 

Take Advantage of Seasonal Sales 

Seasonal sales can go a long way in helping you save money on items for your new apartment. Most major furniture stores offer deep discounts during annual Memorial Day and Labor Day sales events. Many also host Black Friday and holiday sales throughout the year that are worth checking out if you’re looking for reduced-price furniture or other big-ticket items. 

Visit Thrift Stores and Yard Sales 

These are excellent places to find unique pieces at a fraction of the cost of buying them brand-new. You might be surprised by how much you can save by shopping at thrift stores or scouring local yard sales — and who doesn’t love a good bargain? Along with deep savings, thrifting can provide unique pieces that give your space a unique personality!

Organizing Your New Apartment

Packing, moving, and unpacking can leave you feeling exhausted and disorganized. Here are some steps to help you get organized and make the entire process more manageable:

Create a Checklist 

Having a checklist of all the items that need to be completed before, during, and after the move will help keep you on track and minimize stress. Determine the tasks you must accomplish ahead of time, such as informing utility providers or changing your address with the post office.

List all the things you need to pack up, move, and unpack to ensure everything is accounted for. You may even want to color-code or label boxes according to their room at the new place. 

Label Your Boxes 

Labeling your boxes can significantly reduce stress during your move. Doing so will make unpacking easier since you’ll know exactly where each box belongs without searching through them all.

Label each box with its contents (e.g., kitchen items, office supplies, entertainment devices, etc.) and indicate which room they should go in (e.g., kitchen, spare room, living room, etc.). Doing this will save you time and energy when it comes time to unpack everything in your new home.

Start With the Kitchen 

The kitchen is always one of the most challenging rooms to organize because it contains so many items, from dishes and utensils to pots and pans. Organize your pantry items by sorting them into categories like canned goods, spices, snacks, etc. You’ll be glad you did when it’s time to put everything away in the cabinets!

Then, move on to the dishes; separate plates from bowls, cups from glasses, and so on before putting them away in their designated areas. Finally, find a place for your coffee maker, blender, and other small kitchen appliances. 

Organize Your Closet and Bedroom  

If you’re like many other people, your bedroom closet is daunting when moving into a new place. Don’t let it overwhelm you! Start by sorting out clothes that need to be cleaned or mended before putting them away; then separate each season’s clothing into individual piles (such as winter coats with winter scarves).

Hang up any dresses or suits on hangers for easy access later on, and store your sweaters and shirts neatly in drawers or bins underneath the hanging clothes. If you’re short on space, invest in extra storage solutions (like vertical hanging racks or shelves).

Lastly, organize your nightstands, dressers, and other bedroom pieces according to how much space is available in the room. Remember to consider function and aesthetics when determining where things should go! 

Stay on Top of Cleaning 

Cleaning up as you go is vital for staying organized when moving into a new apartment. As soon as something has been unpacked or moved out of the way, take a few minutes to clean up any dust or debris left behind so it doesn’t accumulate over time. This will help you keep clutter from building up in your new space and make it easier to find things when needed.

Moving won’t feel like such an overwhelming experience when you take it step-by-step and create checklists. Start by tackling smaller spaces, and graduate onto larger rooms until everything is adequately organized within its designated spot. And remember to clean as you go!

How To Keep a Schedule

Moving to a new apartment can be particularly stressful when you have a lot of commitments like work, school, and extracurricular activities. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the tasks involved in moving — packing, unpacking, cleaning, and setting up utilities — and forget about managing your daily schedule. Here’s how to stay on top of your responsibilities without burning out:

Prioritize Your Lists 

One of the best ways to stay organized is to break down tasks into manageable chunks. This means making lists of everything you need to do and prioritizing accordingly. Take your list of all the big projects associated with your move — like packing and unpacking — then add smaller tasks like setting up utilities or registering for classes (if applicable). Next, prioritize your tasks by urgency: 

  • What needs to be done right away? 
  • What can wait until later? 
  • In what order should you complete your most important tasks?


Perhaps you need to submit your job applications before moving your belongings in, or maybe you want to set up your home office before your other spaces. Making lists will ensure you don’t overlook anything in the chaos of the move. 

Create a Schedule 

Once you know what needs to be done, create a schedule for yourself so that you don’t miss any deadlines or obligations while moving. Include time for packing and unpacking as well as other commitments like work or school assignments.

Scheduling will also give you an idea of how much time each task requires so you can plan accordingly. Use online tools like Google Calendar or Trello to easily track your responsibilities.

Set Aside Time for Self-Care 

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of moving, but don’t forget about taking care of yourself! Make time each day for self-care to avoid burning out before the move is finished. 

Go for walks outside or take some time off from packing boxes to read a book. Even five minutes of quiet time each day can significantly reduce stress levels during such an intense transitional period!

Moving is never easy, but with proper planning and organization, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Make lists, create schedules, prioritize tasks, and, most importantly remember to foster your well-being throughout the process. That way, your move can go smoothly and efficiently, and you can maintain your sanity!

Why Hire a Professional Moving Company?

Relocating to a new residence involves many tasks requiring expertise and attention to detail. A reputable company like T-N-T Moving Systems has years of experience in the field and only employs experienced, reliable staff. We’ll take care of all your moving needs and ensure all your items reach their destination safely. 

With the help of T-N-T Moving Systems, you don’t have to worry about lugging heavy boxes or pieces of furniture from one place to another — leave it all in our trusted hands. Contact us today for a free quote!