Moving Insurance

Last Updated: February 18, 2011By

When hiring a mover you should know and understand what you are covered for in the case of an accident.  All moving companies licensed in the state of North Carolina must offer the customer the limited valuation of 60 cents per pound per article.  This means that if your dressor gets scratched and it weighs 100 pounds, you will receive $60 towards the repair.  It is limited because if your flat screen TV falls and breaks and it weighs 100 pounds, you will receive $60 towards a new one.  The $60 will cover the repair of the scratch but not a new tv.

It is important that you check with your homeowner’s or renter’s policy to see if you are already covered.  If not, some insurance companies will allow you to purchase moving insurance through them.

Moving companies do offer depreciated value and full value insurance (“valuation”) at a premium.  Be sure to discuss this with your sales rep before the move starts.